Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Making Friends/Customers For Life.

A good way to make friends out of customers is to take them out doing something THEY like doing. A lot of times, you don't even have to talk business.

Take for example, my latest client, Mike, of Reifel Outdoors. Mike is obviously interested in hunting and fishing. So, I decided to take him out on a fishing trip. It was about 7 a.m. when I picked him up, and we were on our way. By the time we were packing up our tackle boxes, he was a customer for life.

I didn't go with the salesman's approach to getting his business, I simply went fishing and became his friend. We enjoyed the talk that men have when fishing, and eventually he asked me about my business. It didn't take much longer than that, I was the marketing coordinator for him.

When taking a customer out, the best way to get your sale is to let them come to you. In other words, if you let them ask what you're doing, you aren't being pushy.

This way of talking is my favorite way to attract customers. The best part is, I now have a friend in Reifel Outdoors, and in Mike forever. Even if I lose the contract, I still have a friend!

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